Independent home workers, very small businesses, yoga teachers, lawyers and many more need to get their business running despite any lock down situation. With the increase of videoconferencing use, Internet connections are getting overloaded and the experience is not always easy.
A lost signal or a robotic voice when you were presenting a key selling point to your customer can be catastrophic and can make you seem unprofessional.
Maya Global Solutions provides you with an easy to install and price sensitive solution to get crystal clear communication: Maya IQS – Essential.
IQS – Essential Edition
Maya’s IQS Essential helps meet the quality and cost challenges of working remotely
High quality voice calls, smooth video conferencing, and responsive applications are now possible over any WAN connection including commodity broadband Internet. Easy to install, auto-calibrating, and inherently secure, Maya’s IQS Essential service introduces a new paradigm in WAN connectivity and Quality of Experience for remote and home offices.
Improves Voice and Video Conferencing Experience of Remote and Small Office Workers
- Working on top of your existing network, IQS for SOHO constantly monitors traffic quality, dynamically adjusts to changing network conditions and manages throughput.
- IQS for SOHO prioritizes the more demanding traffic, such as voice and video conferencing, over less real-time packets, ensuring a quality experience at all times.
Easy to Use, Secure, Cost Effective
- Small footprint
- Simple to install
- No complex rules or configurations to manage
- Built-in stateful firewall
- Low cost subscription service
IQS Benefits
Maya’s Internet Quality Service was purpose built to provide:
- Reliable Video Conferencing
- Crystal Clear Voice over IP
- End-to-End Application QoS
- Plug & Play Installation
- “Set & Forget” Configuration
All while being:
- Affordable
- Non-Disruptive
Criteria |
Benefit |
User Experience | High Fidelity VoIP |
Smooth Video Conferencing | |
Lightning Fast Hosted Apps | |
Deployment | Easy Plug & Play Deployment |
Go live Quickly in minutes | |
Maintenance | Set & Forget means Negligible Maintenance |
Cost | Low Cost licensing and maintenance |
Connectivity | Operates over Any WAN Link |
Security | Secure stateful firewall built-in |